Updating your Garmin Tracking & Training Equipment

Zachary Conkey

Link to Garmin WebUpdater (Used to update Older Garmin Equipment): 

Link to Garmin Express (Used to update Newer Garmin Equipment):

See below for how to update your Alpha 300 & TT25 Collars:

If you are hunting out of that 90’s model Chevy, using a flip phone and running dogs with the beep beep collars, we love you! This message is not for you. 

If you have to have the “Latest & Greatest” that Garmin has to offer, this message is for you. UPDATE YOUR EQUIPMENT!

Since Garmin came out with tracking systems there have always been updates. This requires sometimes plugging your equipment into the computer using Garmin software or connecting your handheld or collars to WIFI if you have the newer models. We ourselves would much rather be in the woods running dogs than spending time updating collars, but it’s the world we live in. 

These updates ensure that your equipment is working like it’s supposed to, at the highest level. We get calls everyday about equipment not working like it should. 75% of the issues are solved with a quick 2-minute update.If that doesn’t fix it, you know we will take care of you. Everyone knows someone with a computer or WIFI to help as well. 

It’s like putting gas in your truck, can’t run dogs without it. You can’t expect your handhelds and collars to work how they’re supposed to without the latest update either. 

Before you sit around the hunting club this fall telling everyone, “the new equipment is junk”, make sure you’ve done everything you can so that your tracking equipment can perform the best for you. 


Please share this with your hunting buddies, it could help make their experience more enjoyable and check out the link in the comments to find some important update information! 


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